Friday, March 27, 2009

Intellectual Isolation

Few months back , a friend of mine used to tell me about the vacuum she feels around her working environment and used a phrase innovated by herself, I assume, to describe it -" intellectual isolation"

Time to time we all have to face this extrema feeling of loneliness in the professional capacity. She is in an entirely different field than mine yet I also feel that phrase has something related to me.

I am trying to finish long waiting work despite my physical weaknesses these days. I got sick after long hours of talking without much break during last weekend and still recovering. This is my work and I have to do it. But "sharing " the progress is like a part of my work-in-progress. I know the work I am doing is correct but I know it is not perfect until friend of mine showed me tiny dots which I might have forgotten to erase.But my colleagues are busy with their work and the absence of 'sharing' has reduce my energy level & loosen my interest. Finally called my friend who introduced me to this phrase , at least to share the experience.She of course understood the situation -being the inventor of this professional disorder.We talked about the feeling of being isolated in professional or intellectual capacity, which is more difficult to bear than personal isolation. Anyway I wonder whether its only me who suffer from this "II" in my profession.

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Other side of me

Sri Lanka
I am a person with varied interests from technical stuff, writings,teaching,emotional aspects to community well being.The way I brought up, my childhood full of love and caring and and life long friends are the best part of my world. I am not aimed at changing the world, but making it better.This blog is my on-line space to express my emotions and feelings, simply the "other -side- of me". Technical matters are covered in my technical blog whenever possible.